Industrial Machinery Movers in Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tallahassee & Throughout Florida
The SimsHD
industrial machinery movers specialize in projects many people would think are impossible to complete. SimsHD heavy-duty moving solutions provide safe and efficient handling and transportation of heavy industrial equipment and delicate machinery that often weigh up to hundreds of thousands pounds. SimsHD is an affiliate of Sims Crane & Equipment, the family owned and operated business that has been recognized as the premier crane and equipment provider in Florida since 1959.
Our industrial machinery movers are proudly renowned in the industry for their ability to transfer and move large equipment in and out of even the most difficult, restricted or confined locations. Every
rigger, equipment operator and other moving specialist on our team is personally responsible for protecting the valuable assets that are being moved, as well as ensuring the safety of everyone involved on the project. The technology, equipment and personnel typically used as part of our SimsHD horizontal access moving solutions include the following and more:
- Lift planning expert
- 3D Lift Planning Software
- Versa Lift forklifts with lifting capacities of 40,000 pounds to 100,000 pounds
- Air bearing dollies pushing loads up to 40,000 pounds
- Certified rigger
- Equipment operators
Transporting delicate and massive equipment requires extensive planning and preparation. Moving CT scanners, MRI machines, centrifuges, hydraulic presses and radar equipment each come with their own unique challenges. An on-site consultation and evaluation is the first step in the planning process at SimsHD. After the evaluation, our lift planning experts and Master Rigger begin creating a visual map of the entire moving process with our state of the art 3D Lift Planning Software. Our lift planning experts use the software to plan every step of the entire moving process, while our Master Rigger uses the simulation to select the machinery movers, rigger, hoists and other heavy moving equipment that is best suited for the project. The visual layout and other related details that are generated by the software result in an improved workflow and safer work environment for the rigger and industrial machinery movers who are assigned to
projects in Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tallahassee and other cities and towns throughout Florida.
Contact us today for more information on our moving services.